Falcon Down

Sometimes what you don’t know really can hurt you.

FD Cover Image mediumWhile flying unarmed over international waters, Major Jacob “Falcon” Kelly’s F-16 is downed by a Soviet missile. Captured after ejecting from his aircraft, Kelly is incarcerated in a secret interrogation center in Siberia, where he discovers the most daring and ruthless program of international espionage in the history of the Cold War.

He faces torture, interrogation and certain death—unless he can escape. Escape seems impossible, but the Soviets’ dossier on Kelly is missing two vital facts . . .


Falcon Down is the first in a series of novels from author C. H. Cobb in which the two superpowers come to the precipice of war in the turbulent final decade of the Soviet Union.

Praise for Falcon Down, the first book of the Falcon Series:

“Cobb . . . , like Tom Clancy or Dale Brown, masterly intertwines military technology and behavior into a tightly plotted narrative in which every development follows logically and smoothly from what came before. This deft touch extends to the characters: . . . . This first installment chronicling the adventures of Maj. Jacob Kelly turns out to be an undisputed success.” – Kirkus Reviews

“The story hooked me from the get-go and my attention never flagged. . . . Your characters really live, and they are vividly drawn. . . . You truly do have a gift for narrative. . . . The technical mastery you displayed throughout the book was nothing short of dazzling.” – John Marshall, PhD, Eastern University

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Falcon Down is also available in print and Kindle formats from Amazon.