Book 3 of the Outlander Chronicles now available!

Outlander Chronicles: Icarus

Jacen Chester and the people of Phoenix have risked everything on the dream of building a new world. They survived a journey of 1800 miles and overcame many brutal challenges along the way. Now they are ready to call this last encampment home.

But contrary to their expectations, arriving at their destination does not eliminate hardship. New dangers and new obstacles await that threaten to unravel the entire plan. When pressed to the limit, can the dream of Phoenix survive the harsh realities of life in a broken world? Can Jacen himself pass the greatest test of leadership?

In Book 3 of the Outlander Chronicles, author C. H. Cobb brings to a conclusion the epic physical and spiritual journey of Jacen Chester and the people of Phoenix, as they strive to flourish in a world where survival itself is doubtful.

Now Available!


Pacific ThreatThe exciting fourth book of the Falcon Series is available now on Amazon in print or Kindle formats


It began as a blog. It became a political firestorm . . .

C. H. Cobb’s political thriller is available from Amazon or your local bookstore!


Falcon Down gets high praise from Kirkus Reviews!

“An Air Force pilot with a few skills not in his official dossier finds himself on the run in a hostile nation in this thriller, the first in a projected series. . . . Cobb has clearly done his research on multiple counts and, like Tom Clancy or Dale Brown, masterly intertwines military technology and behavior into a tightly plotted narrative in which every development follows logically and smoothly from what came before. This deft touch extends to the characters: . . . This first installment chronicling the adventures of Maj. Jacob Kelly turns out to be an undisputed success.” — Kirkus Reviews


Praise from enthusiastic readers:

Received 7/15/20 from a reader in Pennsylvania: I just finished reading Falcon Down, the first novel in your series. Well done! The story hooked me from the get-go and my attention never flagged. C.S. Lewis called Charles Dickens’ Bleak House “a prodigality of invention.” I can never rise to the heights of Lewis’s critical powers, but as a lifelong reader of novels I can say the same thing about your book. Your characters really live, and they are vividly drawn. The dialogue also fits each one’s unique personality as you have crafted it, and the action comes off as credible. You truly do have a gift for narrative.

And I must say, you really did your homework. The technical mastery you displayed throughout the book was nothing short of dazzling. In that respect it reminded me of Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October. Clancy got everything he needed from researching unclassified material.

I have tended to avoid reading “Christian” novels for the same reason I tend to avoid “Christian” films. They are often sentimental and corny. Marilyn and I used to enjoy reading aloud the novels of Francine Rivers and Karen Kingsbury. (I think Rivers the better of the two.) They kept my interest, as well as Marilyn’s, though I haven’t read either author since. The sad thing is that their work is published by an established book house while you have to be content with self-publishing, and though your writing is in a different genre, it’s just as good if not better than much of theirs.

I look forward to reading the other books in your series.

A reader in GreenvilleI purchased the kindle edition of Falcon Down and Falcon Rising. Enjoying them very much! I read the Candidate over the winter season. Highly recommend all of them. Such a gifted author!

A reader in TennesseeHighly recommend this author, and everything he has written. This [Outlander Chronicles] is my favorite series personally.